An open letter to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

An open letter to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF), our constituents and the 147 million people around the globe who are living with alopecia areata…

The 2022 Oscars was a defining moment for the alopecia areata community, spotlighting this serious autoimmune disease at center stage, and creating a global tidal wave of attention, conversation, and curiosity. Alopecia areata is much more than hair loss; it’s associated with significant burden, often propagated by stigma and misinformation, and the Oscar moment was an emotional trigger for many.

But, from this dark moment in Oscars and television history came the catalyst for NAAF’s Alopecia Areata is No Joke (#AlopeciaAreataisNoJoke) campaign, which urgently and rapidly helped educate the public, support individuals and families living with the disease, and reduce stigma.

As the world anticipates this year’s Oscars, the discussion has already turned to the event witnessed on last year’s global stage, and the Academy stands at the threshold of a unique opportunity to use its platform to amplify a message of awareness and understanding for the alopecia areata community.

We respectfully ask the Academy to seize the opportunity before them to reinforce that #AlopeciaAreataisNoJoke by encouraging viewers to learn more about the disease and driving viewers to for information and support. As the leading alopecia areata advocacy group, NAAF provides a safe space for patients and their families to connect with each other and resources, information about clinical trials and new treatments, and opportunities to advocate to improve the lives of those living with this disease.

Together, we can help people living with alopecia areata, and educate the world about this medical condition. From where we stand, that is an Oscar-worthy act.
