Approved Treatment FAQs

Have you heard about recently approved treatments for alopecia areata? You can learn more here. More drugs are going through clinical trials as researchers look for better ways to use currently approved drugs and new ones.


Olumiant™ (baricitinib) was approved for the treatment of severe alopecia areata in adults in June 2022.

Read frequently asked questions about Olumiant.


LITFULO™ (ritlecitinib) was approved for the treatment of severe alopecia areata in indivduals ages 12 and up in June 2023.

Read frequently asked questions about LITFULO.


LEQSELVI™ (deuruxolitinib) was approved for the treatment of severe alopecia areata in adults in July 2024.

FAQ page coming soon.

FDA approved treatment for alopecia areata