#Support Groups Vancouver Alopecia Kids & Families Meet Up Sunday, February 18 10:00 AM, PST Event Type: In-Person Organizer: Vanessa Email: vancouveralopeciakids@gmail.com Address: REVS Bowling 5502 Lougheed Hwy Burnaby, The Plan: We’ll gather at the entrance when they open at 10am, and head in as a group so we can get lanes all together. RSVP: Please email Vanessa (vancouveralopeciakids@gmail.com) to let me know if you plan on joining by Friday, February 16. **Please note**: Each family will be responsible for their own bowling costs, though families are encouraged to mingle and share lanes, of course 🙂 Also this is not a drop-off event, and parents/caregivers are asked to please stay.