Contact us for a list of support contacts outside the USA.
NOTE: The National Alopecia Areata Foundation’s Support Group information is provided solely for personal use. It is intended for people with alopecia areata and their loved ones to easily find services in their area. This list, or any part of this list, may not be downloaded, republished, or duplicated in whole or in part for commercial purposes. Additionally, contacting individuals on this list directly to engage in commercial activities of any kind, is strictly prohibited.
Support Type: Telephone Support
Region: Pacific Region
State: California
Phone: (209) 534-8199
Phone: (310) 291-0729
Phone: (213) 309-2011
Phone: (650) 922-1080
Region: Rocky Mountain Region
State: Colorado
Phone: (303) 779-0403
Region: Southeast Region
State: Florida
Phone: (973) 534-0331
Region: Midwest Region
State: Iowa
Phone: (515) 360-3816
State: Illinois
Phone: (224) 558-3232
Phone: (630) 215-5419
Phone: (312) 498-2169
Phone: (847) 323-5940
State: Michigan
Phone: (517) 897-1993